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Burnden Road Runners truly has something for everyone – we’re so much more than road running although we do a fair bit of that too! Here is just a snippet of what you can get involved with as a member. If you’re not a member, yet, feel free to come along and see what the Burnden family is all about! All abilities, paces, experiences are welcome at any session.

Mondays 7-8pm – Muster Run and Intervals Session - £1 per session.

Martin, Jen, Shirley and Gillian lead the Muster Run, which uses a variety of routes around Bolton to satisfy your running fix followed by static stretches. Muster points are opportunities to get extra running in as you have the option to run back to the last runner before returning to the Muster point. The last runner will always be accompanied by a leader or helper. Once a month on Meeting night, the run will be an efforts or intervals session. Coming up at our next session on 3rd June will be hill repeats to what we call ‘The Narnia Lamp-post’ at Barrow Bridge.

Gwen and Jane run the Intervals and Efforts sessions at various locations around Bolton. These will start with a short warm up run to the location following by dynamic stretches and efforts or intervals – short bursts of running followed by recovery time. Each session will finish with static stretches

Tuesdays 10-11am – Bolton Arena Free Community Track Session

Always followed by a chat and a coffee in the café, this session is led by our Coach and Chair, Andy, at Bolton Arena. The session is completely track-based and will include dynamic and static stretches with a variety of interval-based training.

Wednesdays 7-8pm – 1 Foot on the Track – Leverhulme Park - £1 per session

Gareth, Marcus, Andy and Kirsty lead these evening track sessions which vary each week. Marcus runs periodic marathon training sessions throughout the year and Andy offers a summer-based parkrun improvers group.

parkrun UK

Burnden Road Runners are big fans of parkrun, which is a weekly, free, timed 5K course at 9am on a Saturday. You’ll usually find Burndeners at the local locations of Bolton (Leverhulme Park), Worsley Woods, Haigh Hall Woodland, Pennington Flash and Clarence Park (Bury) as well as further afield!

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